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April 2019

Five McNair Scholars Present Undergraduate Research in the 2019 University Presentation Showcase

2019 University Poster Showcase

Five EKU McNair scholars presented undergraduate research in the 2019 University Presentation Showcase at Eastern Kentucky Universty.  The five McNair scholars were Jessica Baker, Steven Pesina, Jesus Daniel Lopez, Kasiee Riddell, and TaJana Graves.

McNair scholars attend the 20th National Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Research at the University of Maryland

McNair scholars visit the Washington, D.C. zoo

Ten EKU McNair scholars attended the 20th National Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Research at the University of Maryland over spring break, March 13 - March 17, 2019.  The theme of this year's conference was "Creating a Global Impact: Scholarship, Leadership, and Excellence in the 21st Century."  For over two decades McNair scholars conferences at the U

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