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EKU McNair Scholar Defends Kentucky Against COVID-19

EKU McNair Scholar Samuel Aponte

The EKU McNair Scholars Program recognizes McNair scholar Samuel Aponte for his dedicated service to Kentucky and the nation by serving in the National Guard, helping combat the COVID-19 virus in Kentucky. 

Samuel is a junior psychology major, currently working with fellow National Guard members in the 63rd TAB HHC National Guard unit at a COVID-19 testing site in Frankfort, Kentucky, but he may be deployed to other testing sites later. 

Although Samuel’s day-to-day tasks vary, his essential job functions are to create a friendly state presence at the testing site, help organize the traffic flow of the testing site, and maintain a safe environment for Kroger health services staff members and those being tested.

Samuel says, “I am honored to work with these testing sites.  It is fulfilling and my work creates a positive and calm experience for those who are nervous during this pandemic.”

The EKU McNair Scholars program, program participants, program staff members, university faculty and staff members, and everyone concerned about the health, safety, well-being, and the care of themselves and their loved ones are proud of Samuel and his fellow National Guard members and everyone who risks their personal safety in the service of their communities.  THANK YOU, SAMUEL! 

Samuel is a shining light of hope and an example of dedicated service to the state and the nation.  Samuel is a model McNair scholar and an American front-line hero!

Published on April 22, 2020

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