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EKU McNair Scholars Engage 2019 Summer Travel and Events

2019 EKU McNair Summer Travel

The summer of 2019 witnessed five EKU McNair scholars taking advantage of McNair-sponsored travel events.  EKU McNair scholar Kevely Dumay took full advantage of travel opportunities by traveling to Atlanta, Georgia to particpate in the SAEOPP McNair/SSS Conference and then to Washington, D.C. where he interviewed with the United States Defense Intellenge Agency for a 2020 international graduate level internship for which he was selected!  Congratulations Kevely!  Kevely also joined Jessica Baker, Rita (Denise) Burdine, and Dyamond Harrison in attending the Undergraduate Research Conference in Niagara Falls, New York, which was sponsored by the McNair Scholars Program at the University at Buffalo.  Finally, EKU McNair scholar Melvin Diggs engaged two McNair graduate school visitation days.  The first was at the University of Maryland and the second was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  The EKU McNair Scholars Program is a holistic graduate school preparation program that encourages and supports talented undergraduate scholars as they prepare for advanced graduate level achievement.  It is great to see EKU McNair scholars taking full advantage of program activties!  Well done, scholars!

Published on August 07, 2019

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