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McNair Scholars Lead Panel Discussion at EKU Gen 1 Conference

McNair Scholars - EKU Gen 1 Conference

Becasuse Eastern Kentucky University demonstrates a commitment to improving the experiences and outcomes of first-generation college students, it has been selected as a "First-Gen Forward Institution" by the Center for First-Generation Student Success, which is an initiative of NASPA, an association of The Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and The Suder Foundation.  Each year EKU organizes and presents a "Gen 1 Conference" to advance the recognition and celebration of talented first-generation college students.  The 2023 Gen 1 Conference was held on November 8 in EKU's spacious Powell Building.  In an afternooon session, five EKU McNair Scholars - each a first-generation college student - led a well-received panel discussion titled "First-Gen Students Learning How to Learn and Achieve in Higher Education."  The McNair scholars in the photo are - from left to right - history major Josie Teague and psychology major Jessica Austin.  Not shown in the photo are Brittany Collins (Agronomy), Rowan Emory (Public Health), and Chloe Watson (Psychology).

Published on January 16, 2024

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